memopemo's Commisions!!

Thanks for checking out this website! This is where you can find how my commissions work, and what to expect from them :)

Helpful links

FurAffinity: @memopemo 

Discord: @memopemo

PayPal: @memopemo or


Commission Steps


Pricing gets a bit complicated, and I'd rather not make a huge table for *EVERY* possible combination of frames, characters and shadings but my main focus is to balance two things:

Contacting / Planning

Discord & FurAffinity: @memopemo

You can contact me at anytime! 

Preferably by Discord, since its way easier to go back and forth between details and share progress and updates on the piece. But FA notes are still fine!

Also, please note: only ONE piece at a time. You cannot double up on a commission and pay it only once. You also cannot commission twice in a row. You must wait until the unfinished commission is done to commission again. 

Here is my Trello for the queue: 

As a general guide for days it will take me to get to your commission is 2X the number of other people waiting, give or take 3 more days. I try to take 2 days per commission.

You can commission a lot of different ideas, from lewd and kinky or just plain wholesome! However, there are some kinks and things that I am not willing to draw.

Much like my tastes, this list can change often: Excluded Things 

In general, what would be recommended is pooltoys and TF, but i'm open to other stuff!

I also like lewd and kinky ideas even if the overall synopsis is bland: eg:

"Too much"

Sometimes ideas can inflate out of control, (pun intended) to where too much can happen on one page. If the idea is WAY too vast and big to be contained in one picture (I'd say around 9-11 key frames of big action or events that happen) I may ask to cut it down, ask for compensation, or, worst case, deny it altogether.

However, if the long idea is something I'd enjoy doing, I could be able to do it.

There are some ways to mitigate it, like "montage"-ing it (like with my raccoon pooltoy tftg piece) or removing unnecessary frames. 


This is when I do the actual art! 

I will reach out to you when the commission starts.

The steps are usually: 

At most steps (usually sketch, sketch color, color, shading, effects, and final) I'll update you on what I have done.

In Discord, it's more frequent (cause of the back and forth nature), and In FA notes, its less frequent (I have to host an image every time on imgur or imgBB)

I want this commission to be worth the price you pay. Please notify me of any issues with the art, or if something looks awkward, or even mistakes that I've missed.

Mostly what i've been trying to do is get a commission done every 2 days. However, if due to my RL job, family pestering, or something else, It may be extended.


After you are satisfied with the piece, you can pay! My PayPal merchant account is @memopemo, or if that doesn't work, try (do not email me.)

It's Done!

You can share it with others, post it on twitter, FA, or any other site, set it as a profile picture, or just keep it private between you and your partner. It's yours to use!

However, make sure you include some credit when posting, even as simple as: "art by memopemo"

My general posting on my own account is: if I like it, I'll post it.

I might keep in touch afterwards, share some stuff I've made or found. :)